Go CV+
Are you eligible for Go CV+? The answer is YES, if one or more of these apply to you:
- You are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits listed below
- You are a carer registered with Carers Trust Heart of England
- You are a Foster Carer registered with Coventry City Council
- You are a Student [NUS] living in Coventry
- Asylum Seeker status
- You are a young person aged 16-19 years in full-time education
Here’s the full list of qualifying benefits
- Attendance Allowance
- Bereavement Support Payment
- Carer’s Allowance
- Council Tax support (not single person occupancy)
- Disability Living Allowance
- Employment and Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Incapacity Benefit
- Income Support
- Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit
- Industrial Death Benefit
- Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Pension Credit
- Personal Independence Payment
- Severe Disablement Allowance
- Universal Credit
- War Pension Disability / Armed Forces Compensation
- Working Tax Credit (not Child Tax Credit alone)
At venues, sometimes a Go CV and also a Go CV+ price is shown. If you are eligible and have a fully validated account, a greater discount will be added to your card and you will pay the lower Go CV+ price.
If you sign into your account you can see whether you have the Go CV+ discount added to your account (Level 2). You will need to validate this annually to keep the Go CV+ discount.
Proof of eligibility will be required and can be verified online from your account. Login and go to ‘My Account’ where you can upload your documents. Alternatively you can visit our sign-up centres by taking evidence such as a letter from the Department of Work and Pensions, letter from the Council or Home Office, or NUS card with you.
There is only one Go CV account – Go CV+ means you are entitled to Level 2 discounts.
Level [0] means that action is required to update your account. You will not be able to receive any discounts until this has been done.
Level [1] means you are eligible for standard Go CV discount (Coventry resident).
Level [2] means you are a Coventry resident with the highest Go CV+ level of discount.
Not yet a Go CV member, you can register HERE